This my friends is Brody, my wirefox brother I never got to meet. Brody crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past May 27th. He was 13 1/2 years old. Mom says he was a clown and an awesome dog, she called him her shadow because he followed her everywhere. She's been sad the past couple of days because tomorrow, Nov 28th is Brody's birthday. I know she still misses him bunches because she calls me Brody sometimes. I answer, I don't mind. She loves me bunches too! I just hope mom doesn't stay sad for too many more days, it makes me sad.

Brody loved the water and playing with my boy. Those two had grand times together. But now~~my boy has ME!!
Happy Birthday Brody. I know you are celebrating in a grand way over the bridge. We love and miss you.

On a much much happier note~~I went walking with my real brother Jordy today and a 5 month old pup named Darcy. It was so much fun. Below is a picture of those beautiful pups. Jordy leaves tomorrow for Amarillo, TX to live in a foster home. So happy he'll be out of that kennel. And Miss Darcy leaves tomorrow for her furever home in Vegas! Best wishes to you both! May you both have a very long and happy life! xoxo